Dental Checkups
From digital X-rays to fluoride treatments—we offer solutions to all your dental hygiene needs. Protect your teeth with our routine dental checkups.
At Santa Claus Family Dentistry, we place resin fillings, also known as white fillings or tooth-colored fillings, to restore your teeth while maintaining their original color.
Crowns and Implant Restorations
Our digital scanners make restoring teeth with crowns or replacing teeth with implants a more comfortable and time-efficient experience.
Partials and Dentures
Restore your missing teeth and experience a confidence boost like never before. At Santa Claus Family Dentistry, we offer traditional and implant-supported partials and dentures.
Routine Extractions
Is your infected tooth causing you severe discomfort? Tooth extraction can relieve your pain and improve your quality of life.
Pediatric Dentistry
We provide most pediatric dental treatments, including cleanings to fillings and nearly everything in between. Our patient and friendly approach is just what your little one needs to make their next dentist visit easy and fun.
Other Services
We also offer other services like bruxism night guards, Invisalign (for 18 and older), Botox, and at-home whitening to enhance your oral hygiene and make your smile shine.
In addition, all of our treatment rooms are equipped with nitrous oxide (also known as laughing gas) to help further alleviate any dental fears.